
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Podcast from Friday the 13th- Random thoughts
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Welcome back to a special episode from Friday the 13th. This podcast is really a peek into our friendship. It has no real specific topic, but a whole bunch of topics that can go nowhere fast... lol.. yes we like to talk. We discuss a little of everything, and end with University high school stories... back to the place our friendship begin.

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Podcast lost files -- Sept 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Hey all our podcast listeners. We recently discover an episode we did in September 2020, and even though it's not current we still think you will like it. We discuss Bedstuy-NY, Trump RNC 20, every has a little racism, 13th amendment, Covid 19 and the very sad passing of our King... Chadwick Bosemen....I'm still so sad about this, that I can't watch Black Panther again yet...
In this episode we talk about Best I ever LA edition: Okie Dog
Surprise ....we will release a 2nd episode this week...it will be available Thursday.... So be on the lookout for it and make sure you are subscribed to us so you won't miss an episode.

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Special episode for the 2020 Presidential election from 2 Girls from LA with special guest Aries Spears of the Spears and Steinberg Podcast. The trio discuss the election results and where we stand as a country. Particularly, and what that means for America, specifically Black America... Either you are a Biden fan or a Trump.. wait if you are a Trump fan you may not want to listen to this podcast, it does not go well for you. We do use Adult Language, and as a special episode goes this one doesn't hold back. BIG SHOUTOUT to Aries for talking to these 2 Girls from LA. Be sure to rate us on iTunes. More episodes starting next Monday!!
You can find the Spears and Steinberg podcast on all podcast platforms... or contact Aries at ariesspears45@hotmail.com.
**Please note this was tape several hours before now President Elect- Joe Biden was announced as the winner.

Friday Oct 02, 2020
2 Girls from LA trailer
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Welcome to our LA. We are just 2 Girls that were born and raised in Los Angeles. Ingrid & Shelayne co-host a weekly podcast, that is all friendships and what it takes to be a good friend. They will offer you genuine conversations, heartfelt topics and tons of straight-talking, along with stories that people outside of LA only dream about happening.